Project partners will develop a central web portal on financial assistance. This portal will enable a Europe-wide network of cooperation, staff training and information sharing.

Why develop a central web portal?

Financial obstacles very often hinder access, participation and course completion of vulnerable, disadvantaged and underrepresented students. The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated pre-existing education disparities. At-risk students are disproportionately affected: they face a range of additional challenges in accessing higher education, participating fully in their study programs and successfully completing their studies.

Centralising scholarships information enables both a needs-based and more merit-based access to higher education.


A mixed-methods approach will be used to map European policies and good practices and to examine the needs of national authorities, higher education institutions and students across the EHEA in relation to the PAGs:

  • Desk research
  • Online survey research
  • Peer-learning activities
  • Focus groups
  • Pilot studies


Based on identified needs, project partners will develop a central web portal that will include:

  • Scholarships Info
  • EduCentre

All the tools will be freely available on the platform.