Getting ready for PLAR-U-PAGs

On Wednesday 15 June 2022, SIHO and the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training hosted the Kick-off meeting for the EU-funded project 'Peer Learning Activities and Resources to Underpin the Principles and Guidelines for Social Dimension (PLAR-U-PAGs)'.

On the agenda was getting to know each other and setting up the concrete timeline of the project activities.

Magalie Soenen - Project coordinator

Project activities

During the PLAR-U-PAGs project, an international consortium, in collaboration with individual experts, will organise four peer-learning activities to deepen the exchange of good practice on the principles and guidelines between EHEA countries at different stages of policy implementation.

Based on identified needs, the project partners will develop a PAGs toolkit that includes information on the PAGs and innovative and feasible frameworks and self-assessment tools allowing national authorities and higher education institutions to implement each of the principles at the national and institutional levels. In addition it will develop a comprehensive mental health action framework including a self-assessment tool and guidelines to support sustainable mental health strategies at the national and institutional levels.

Finally, a central web portal on financial assistance and psychological counselling services will be developed to enable a Europe-wide network of cooperation, staff training and information sharing.

Project timeline

PLAR-U-PAGs is a 3-year project co-funded by Erasmus+ KA3 Support to Policy Reform. The project will run from June 2022 until May 2025.

The first peer-learning activity will take place on 17-18th November in Zagreb, Croatia.

Ana Jerković - Project associate
